Become a Member
Why become a member?
- Our grupo is growing fast with many new schools starting in many places of the world. We need to keep the information of our students in easily accessible format so we can have a better idea of our group demographics and grade history etc...
- Every regular capoeira student should become a member in order to get graded in Group Senzala;
- It will include a 1 year insurance ( UK students only for now);
- T Shirt included (UK only for now);
- Audio download of The roots of the Game - 45 minute long audio with some Mestre Toni Vargas' songs plus Mestre Gato and Mestre Nestor Capoeira talking about the history, tradition and "rules" of the Capoeira game.
Memberships price will vary from country to country. Please click on the link to
become a member